
ABROAD; what's in the suitcase?

Date & Time: 6:00 pm August 25, 2023
- 3:00 pm September 17, 2023

A MacGuffin, for those who don't know the definition, is an object that propels a story forward but, realistically, has no bearing on the story whatsoever.

It could literally be anything, but here it is a suitcase helping to push a story along.

What's made this suitcase so interesting in this instance is that nobody's really sure what it contains. That is of course until we take a peek inside and all is revealed.

Within this exhibition each selected artist presents a work that unpacks an element of their creative practice; with the suitcase being the support and carrier, marking its journey from the studio to the gallery.

Everyone packs a little something extra, and so to this end does this project carrying the artistic and curatorial process as one.

This experience is brought to you by Morgan & Black.


| Steve Molloy | Shannon Novak | Dwayne Duthie | Rosie Moyes | Rhonda Bunyan | David Le Fleming | Milarky | Rohan Wealleans | Murray Hewitt | Elliot Collins | Wayne Morris | Wharehoka Smith | Norine Ford | Alice Cowdrey | Che Rogers | Jennifer Halli | Jeanette Verster | Volker Hawighorst | Dale Copeland | Paul Hutchinson | Teresa Goodin | Laurel Davis | Nicholas Setteducato | Sean Duffell | Leighton Upson | Jenny Bielawski | Richard Landers | Kyle Boonzaier | Haoro Hond | Pasha Ian Clothier | Joni Murphy | John Tullett | Sandi Hickey | Katey Kat | Barnaby Weir | Andrew Black

Event Details
Date & Time: 6:00 pm August 25, 2023 - 3:00 pm September 17, 2023
This is a free event.
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