An exhibition of new woven work by Francis Salole
These vibrant works are a celebration of chaos and order.
Francis has cut up previous paintings and woven them back together. The process involves the breakup of old ideas and reconstruction of new and unexpected narratives.
These weavings address the pattern and geometry that underlies all things and is , on occasion, recognised by us as ‘beautiful’
Francis Salole is a painter based in Paekäkäriki. In these weavings he has cut up his own past works
and reassembled them.
"By dissecting previous paintings, drawings and prints, I'm breaking down past narratives and old ideas. By weaving them together I am reimagining and revivifying them" says Francis.
"Art is pattern, with the potential to soothe, confuse, surprise or alarm.
"We are pattern-seeking beings. Through our exquisite suite of senses we perceive complex pat- terns and weave them moment to moment into a model of who we are and what the world is
The gallery is open Thursdays - Mondays 1-5 pm or by appointment. Phone 021 407 424.