
CURATORS TALK AT THE BACKHOUSE: Curator of Screams Dr Chelsea Nichols and Aaron Lister

Date & Time: 7:00 pm November 16, 2023
- 8:00 pm November 16, 2023

The Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui is pleased to present the fourth in a series of artist talks that will take place in the Nikaū Room at the Backhouse, 28 Taupō Quay.

Horror films are filled with lots of iconic pairings: the scary twins from The Shining, Billy and Stu from Scream, Laurie Strode and Michael Myers from Halloween. Chelsea Nichols (The Dowse) and Aaron Lister (City Gallery Wellington) will discuss how they bring this creepy twin energy to New Zealand art history through their ongoing collaboration ‘Curator of Screams’— including their most recent project, Eerie Pageantry, which brings together the work of Don Driver with contemporary Australian artist Julia Robinson to explore the theme of folk horror.

WHAT: Sarjeant curator talk: Curator of screams Dr Chelsea Nichols and Aaron Lister
WHEN: Thursday 16th November at 7pm
WHERE: The Nikaū Room at the Backhouse, 28 Taupō Quay (look out for our distinctive yellow sandwich board outside)
BOOKINGS: This event is FREE but please be sure to book your seat on 06 349 0506 or info@sarjeant.org.nz

Event Details
Date & Time: 7:00 pm November 16, 2023 - 8:00 pm November 16, 2023
This is a free event.
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