
S M A L L – 2.0

Date & Time: 10:00 am August 16, 2023
- 2:00 pm August 26, 2023

Featuring: Siobhan Wooding, Rowan Love, Kylie Wardlaw, Kate Sione, Cam Munroe, Prakash Patel, Cat Sleyer, MB Stoneman, Leigh Anderton-Hall, Mark Rayner, Chris Lambert, Jodi Clark, Patrick Cush, KP Taylor, Rachael Garland, Alice Fennessy, Leonie Sharp, Patrick Gregg, Adele Dubarry, Sandy De Kock, Catherine Macdonald, Stacey Hildreth, Perry Davies, Laura Papple, Samantha Matthews, Kaye Coombs, Renata Szarvas, Mayumi Sherburn, Emma Cunningham, Tanya Hayton, Michael Haggie, Judy McIntyre, Katherine Claypole, David Rimmer + more!

A BIG exhibition of small works!

5% of all exhibition sales donated directly to the Women’s Network Whanganui.

{ Pop-up Gallery }

This exhibition is proud to be part of the Winter Wonderfest! Download a free programme and get out and about this Winter!

View the exhibition online (from 18th August)
Event Details
Date & Time: 10:00 am August 16, 2023 - 2:00 pm August 26, 2023
Session Details: 

Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 2pm, Late Night Friday 4 - 6pm

This is a free event.

Participating Galleries

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