Summer Splodge, from Winter Woes
Paintings by Paul Hutchinson
7 February - 3 March 2024
LUMEN Gallery
Opening: 6pm, Wednesday 7 February 2024
Paul will be exhibiting over 30 oil paintings, both recent and past, ranging from large panoramic landscapes to still life miniatures. Paul's vibrant and rich renditions of Taranaki landscapes are sure to be popular with locals who will enjoy recognising coastal landmarks and locations. LUMEN will also have on display silkscreen prints from Paul's archive and digital art prints of his paintings.
Paul Hutchinson is an established Taranaki artist. Often described as "the painter's painter", Paul Hutchinson has steadfastly refused to follow trends in painting. Completely self taught, he has been working full-time as an artist since he was 17, developing the skills and techniques of painting and continually exploring new mediums, most recently reviving the ancient technique of painting in encaustic wax – ground pigments mixed with molten beeswax and resins and applied hot to the canvas.
LUMEN Gallery, 1729 South Road, Tataraimaka, Taranaki
(Old cheese factory 5mins south of Ōakura)
Open: 10am - 3pm, Wednesday - Saturday or by appointment
Phone: 06 7524986 or 027 4543585 (after hours)
Open: 10am-3pm, Wednesday - Sunday or by appointment.