'from out of the blue studio gallery' is a boutique gallery specialising in all things Fibre. We are committed to showcasing the best of both New Zealand and overseas fibre artists across a wide variety of expressions. The studio gallery also houses Viv's own making spaces which include large floor and tapestry looms. There is a 6 weekly rotation for all exhibitions allowing for invited solo exhibitions and juried shows that are themed. This makes sure there is always something fresh to view. Many of the exhibiting artists also offer workshops in such techniques as paper making, needle felting, Saori weaving manipulation, book making, basketry, etc. etc. All the events, exhibitions, workshops and calls for entry are kept current on the website.
Current exhibition is Time A Juried Exhibition by members of The Surface Design Association from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and The United Arab Emirates
Thursdays to Mondays 1-5pm. Or by appointment.