
Suzan Kostanich Exhibition

Date & Time: 10:00 am May 1, 2024
- 4:00 pm June 30, 2024

Suzan Kostanich Exhibition
at Gover St Gallery in May and June

Gover St Gallery is open Monday - Saturday 10 - 4pm

Suzan is a highly skilled fibre artist who has worldwide notoriety
The work in her exhibition depicts the embracing of Christianity in the Samoan culture

"Malamalama is a worldview that encompasses the concepts of understanding and clarity alongside
spirituality and enlightenment. This notion provides a basis not only for intellectual understanding
but a broader more holistic approach to life in general.

Samoa is one of the few nations that has enshrined Christianity within it’s constitution. (Article 1 of
the Constituition of Samoa. June 2017), it explicitly states that Samoa is “founded on God the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit”.

This work looks through the lens of the arrival of Christianity in Samoa and the integration of the
Christian faith into an existing rich and diverse set of indigenous beliefs through the philosophical
notion of Malamalama."

Event Details
Date & Time: 10:00 am May 1, 2024 - 4:00 pm June 30, 2024
Session Details: 

Gover St Gallery is open Monday to Saturday 10 - 4pm

This is a free event.

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